Rhinox Unity SDK
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CARCameraAR camera is the script that represents virtual camera in AR world. Developer may get the position/rotation of current head transform.
 CDynamicTargetDefault trackable behaviour, updates trackable object's transform at the head space per-frame.
 CGroundPlaneGround plane represents static trackable object placed on environment, to reposition head pose according to the relative pose between head and trackable object.
 CI_ButtonEventTriggerInterface : Button event trigger.
 CObjectTrackingObject tracking : access tag tracking interface.
 CRhinoXGlobalSettingRhino X SDK global setting. Should be placed in folder: Assets/Plugins/RhinoX/Resources.
 CRhinoXSystemRhinoX system : access system software and hardware information.
 CRXButtonEventTriggerRhinoX button input event trigger.
 CRXControllerHigh level SDK script for developers to access controller data and event, e.g. buttons, gyroscopes, finger point over touch-pad.
 CRXEventSystemRhinoX event system, should be singleton instance, driver class of RhinoX input event system. Note: RXEventSystem need to be the only event system, if your scene has Unity's built in EventSystem instane, RXEventSystem will remove it when starts.
 CRXInputRhinoX helmet input.
 CRXInputModuleRhinoX controller module, public interface to ximmerse controller input event system.
 CSDKVersionSDK version.
 CTrackableBehaviourThe basic abstract class of trackable beahviour . DynamicTarget and GroundPlane inherits from this script.
 CTrackableIdentityTrackable object identity. Constraint by an integral trackable ID , represents a trackable object in real world.
 CTrackingItemTracking item.