Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼NXimmerse | |
▼NRhinoX | |
CARCamera | AR camera is the script that represents virtual camera in AR world. Developer may get the position/rotation of current head transform. |
CDynamicTarget | Default trackable behaviour, updates trackable object's transform at the head space per-frame. |
CGroundPlane | Ground plane represents static trackable object placed on environment, to reposition head pose according to the relative pose between head and trackable object. |
CI_ButtonEventTrigger | Interface : Button event trigger. |
CI_ControllerUpdateDelegate | |
CObjectTracking | Object tracking : access tag tracking interface. |
CObjectTrackingProfile | |
CRhinoXGlobalSetting | Rhino X SDK global setting. Should be placed in folder: Assets/Plugins/RhinoX/Resources. |
CRhinoXSystem | RhinoX system : access system software and hardware information. |
CRxButtonEvent | |
CRXButtonEventTrigger | RhinoX button input event trigger. |
▼CRXController | High level SDK script for developers to access controller data and event, e.g. buttons, gyroscopes, finger point over touch-pad. |
COnConnectionStateChangeEvent | |
CRxEventEntry | |
CRXEventSystem | RhinoX event system, should be singleton instance, driver class of RhinoX input event system. Note: RXEventSystem need to be the only event system, if your scene has Unity's built in EventSystem instane, RXEventSystem will remove it when starts. |
CRXInput | RhinoX helmet input. |
CRXInputModule | RhinoX controller module, public interface to ximmerse controller input event system. |
CSDKVersion | SDK version. |
CTrackableBehaviour | The basic abstract class of trackable beahviour . DynamicTarget and GroundPlane inherits from this script. |
CTrackableIdentity | Trackable object identity. Constraint by an integral trackable ID , represents a trackable object in real world. |
CTrackingItem | Tracking item. |
CVisiblityChangeEvent | |